Sunday, July 28, 2019

Physical World

                     Physical World and its Measurements(Part-3)


                      The Dimensions of a physical quantity to which the units of base quantity are raised to represent a Drive Unit of a quantity.
Some physical quantities with there dimensional equations:
1)Area- Length x breath
            =L x L=L2

2)Volume- Length x breath x height
            =L x L x L =L3

                 =m  =L   =LT-1  =[M0L1T-1]
                    s    T

4)Acceleration- Velocity
                   =         Distance      =m  =  L    =LT-2   =[M0L1T-2]
                          Time x Time      s2     T2

5)Force-Mass x Acceleration
              Mass x  Velocity 
              Mass x      Distance
                             Time xTime

               Mass x M   =   m x L     = m x LT-2    =  [M1L1T-2]
                           T2               T2

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