Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Anatomy of flowering plant:Parenchyma

                                            Anatomy of Flowering Plant : Simple Tissue

First of all we need to know ''what is a simple cell?''.

And the answer is ''The tissues which are made of only one type of tissue'' are known as the simple tissues.
And after that there are three examples of the simple tissues which are:-


Here are some basic important points about the parenchyma tissue we need to observe them carefully.

A)They are the major component within organs.

B)Parenchymal cells are generally isodiametric(roughly spherical or polyhedral).

C)Wall of the parenchymal cells are thin which is made of cellulose.

D)As you see in the figure the cells of parechyma are closely packed and have some small small space called as the intercellular space.

E)Functions:the parenchymal cells perform various functions which are photosynthesis,storage and secretion.

F)And now the size: there size may be sphrical,round.oval,polygonal and elongated.

to be continue.....in part 2

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