Saturday, April 13, 2019

Environmental issues: Water pollution

                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES

 Hello friends welcome to the second part of the Environmental Issues 2nd topic which is about the Water pollution which is also an important topic.

Water is very important or most important for human life or to be said as lifeline for us.Just think a earth without water no it can't be imagined or think Moon with water rivers or Mars if we imagine it we see Moon or Mars with Life on it.Now you think that life and water are correlated with each other but it is true for bacteria like simple organisms so stop thinking now study about water pollution.

                                      The deffination of water pollution is:''Water pollution may be defined as the addition of unwanted impurities in pure water such as suspended solids,dissolved materials etc.''

When the Govt. of India realise the importance of water it has passed the Water(Prevention and control of pollution)Act. in 1974.

Domestic sewage and industrial effluent

                                                                                    Image credit:NCERT

Many industries and our home also polluting the water.Our house's sewage and the industrial wastage like nitrates, phosphate etc. which are directly goes to the river but here is the twist our house sewage contain biodegradable organic matter which is later on decomposes by bacteria and many othr micro-organisms.


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