Saturday, April 6, 2019

Environmental issues: Air pollution

                                                          ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES
         In this topic we learn about the enviromental issues such as air pollution,water pollution, land pollution and green house effect.And we also try to understand how to control these problems.
             First of all we need to know that what is Pollution and how many type of pollution is present in around us so lets begin:-

Pollution:Pollution is unwanted changes in our enviroment such as physical or chemical like Land pollution, Water pollution, and Soil pollution.

Pollutants:Pollutants are agents that brings unwanted changes in our environment.

Add to knowledge topic:In order to control environment the Govt. of India has passed the Environment (protection) Act in 1986.

                                The defination  of air pollution is like the defination of pollution but the difference is it happen in only one particular area of environment e.g.- ''The air pollution is the unwantad changes in our surrounding air which makes it unpure and harmfull.''

                               Air pollutants are the substances those are harmfull to human beings,living organisms and to plants also.
                            NO,SO,CO and CO2,PARTICULAR MATTER ETC.

                                                Air pollution is becoming the major issue to cause respiratory problems in human and other living animals.It also responsible for the many problems causes in plants. It can be controlled by the various means by fitting smokestacks and smalters with filters to separate pollutants from the harmless gases.

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