Saturday, July 6, 2019

Physical World

                       Physical World and Measurements

Welcome to the first topic of the Physics.In this topic we learn some basic and important definations and we learn how to find dimensions with  the help of basic old formulas.

What is Science ? 

                                 "Science is a system of knowledge in which we gain our knowledge through observations by systematically arrangement".Science involves in our all daily activities like walking,standing,eating and sleeping.

What is Physics ?

                                    "Physics is the branch of science which deals with the study of nature,matter and nature phenomenon.E.g. light,energy,radiation,sound and magnetism etc."

There are some important parts of physics which are:- 

  • Measurements:The measurement is the process of comparison of unknown quantity with a known quantity.
  • Mass:The mass of the body is defined as the quantity of matter in the body.The mass of the body cannot be zero or negative.It always positive.
  • Length:Length of an object may be deffined as the distance of separation between any two points at the extrements of the objects.
  • Time:Time is something what a clock reads.
  • Fundamental Units:Fundamental units are those units which don't depends upon any other physical quantity.E.g.Mass Time and Length etc.
  • Drive Units:These units are those units which depend upon the fundamental units.E.g. Velocity Force and Pressure etc.

      continued in second part................

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