Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Anatomy of Flowering Plants: Sclerenchyma tissues


Now the third or the final simple tissues of the flowering plants which is sclerenchyma tissues.
These tissues basically protect or provide the machenical support to the higher plants.

Important points to remember are:-

1)They consists of long,narrow cells with thick and lignified cell walls having a few or numerous pits.

2)The sclerenchyma cells are usually dead and without the protoplasts.It means the protoplasts of these cells die and as we learn above they protect or provide support that's the reason they didn't need protoplasts.

3)Structure of these cells are thick-walled,elongated and pointed cells,generally occuring in groups in various parts of the plants.

4)As we seen in the figure there is sclereid which are spherical, oval or cylindrical highly tkickened dead cells with narrow cavities.These are commonly found in the fruit walls of nuts.

end of the simple cells topic in plants.... 

Anatomy of Flowering Plants : Collenchyma tissues


In previous session we have learnt about the Parenchyma tissues now in this sesssion we come to the another topic of the simple tissues of the plants which is the collenchyma tissues.Basically the collenchyma tissues provide the mechanical support to the plants because of their strength.
                                                         Fig.collenchyma tissues

Now we have to discuss about the some important topics of the collenchyma tissues.These are:-

1)The site of occurence of collenchyma cell is in below the epidermis in a layer in most of the dicotyledonous plants.

2)As you learn above they found in the layer.The layer is a homogenous layers or in patches.

3)These tissues thickened at corners due to the deposition of the cellulose,hemicellulose and pectin.

4)Now the structure of these cells are oval,spherical,polygonal and often contain chloroplasts.The intercellular space between the cells is absent in these tissues.

to be part 3

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Anatomy of flowering plant:Parenchyma

                                            Anatomy of Flowering Plant : Simple Tissue

First of all we need to know ''what is a simple cell?''.

And the answer is ''The tissues which are made of only one type of tissue'' are known as the simple tissues.
And after that there are three examples of the simple tissues which are:-


Here are some basic important points about the parenchyma tissue we need to observe them carefully.

A)They are the major component within organs.

B)Parenchymal cells are generally isodiametric(roughly spherical or polyhedral).

C)Wall of the parenchymal cells are thin which is made of cellulose.

D)As you see in the figure the cells of parechyma are closely packed and have some small small space called as the intercellular space.

E)Functions:the parenchymal cells perform various functions which are photosynthesis,storage and secretion.

F)And now the size: there size may be sphrical,round.oval,polygonal and elongated.

to be part 2

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Environmental issues: Water pollution

                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES

 Hello friends welcome to the second part of the Environmental Issues 2nd topic which is about the Water pollution which is also an important topic.

Water is very important or most important for human life or to be said as lifeline for us.Just think a earth without water no it can't be imagined or think Moon with water rivers or Mars if we imagine it we see Moon or Mars with Life on it.Now you think that life and water are correlated with each other but it is true for bacteria like simple organisms so stop thinking now study about water pollution.

                                      The deffination of water pollution is:''Water pollution may be defined as the addition of unwanted impurities in pure water such as suspended solids,dissolved materials etc.''

When the Govt. of India realise the importance of water it has passed the Water(Prevention and control of pollution)Act. in 1974.

Domestic sewage and industrial effluent

                                                                                    Image credit:NCERT

Many industries and our home also polluting the water.Our house's sewage and the industrial wastage like nitrates, phosphate etc. which are directly goes to the river but here is the twist our house sewage contain biodegradable organic matter which is later on decomposes by bacteria and many othr micro-organisms.


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Environmental issues: Air pollution

                                                          ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES
         In this topic we learn about the enviromental issues such as air pollution,water pollution, land pollution and green house effect.And we also try to understand how to control these problems.
             First of all we need to know that what is Pollution and how many type of pollution is present in around us so lets begin:-

Pollution:Pollution is unwanted changes in our enviroment such as physical or chemical like Land pollution, Water pollution, and Soil pollution.

Pollutants:Pollutants are agents that brings unwanted changes in our environment.

Add to knowledge topic:In order to control environment the Govt. of India has passed the Environment (protection) Act in 1986.

                                The defination  of air pollution is like the defination of pollution but the difference is it happen in only one particular area of environment e.g.- ''The air pollution is the unwantad changes in our surrounding air which makes it unpure and harmfull.''

                               Air pollutants are the substances those are harmfull to human beings,living organisms and to plants also.
                            NO,SO,CO and CO2,PARTICULAR MATTER ETC.

                                                Air pollution is becoming the major issue to cause respiratory problems in human and other living animals.It also responsible for the many problems causes in plants. It can be controlled by the various means by fitting smokestacks and smalters with filters to separate pollutants from the harmless gases.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Reproduction in Organisms Part-1

We have already learnt about the Reproduction in our previous classes but at now we go throughly and deeply to understand it better then ever.
First we have a simple question ''What is Life Span?''

*The Life Span is the period from birth to natural death of an organisms

.* And Life Span is not related to the size of an organisms.E.g. The size of parrot of and crow is similar but the Life Span period is different (Parrot life span is approx.140years and crow's approx.15years).

*No one organisms is immortal except single celled organisms.

 Reproduction is defined as the biological process in which an organisms gives rise to a young ones (offspring) similar to itself.


1)ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION:-When an offspringis produced by single parent with or without involvement of Gametes.

*This reproduction occured in single individual.

*Offsprings are the exact copies of their parents and that's why they called as the ''CLONE''.E.g. In protists and moneras the parent cell divide itself to form into young ones.


A)BINARY FISSION:Cell divides into 2 halves and aech part grow and become a adult.

*Binary fission have three types
1)Transverse binary fission:In Bacteria and Paramecium.
2)Longitudinal binary fission:In Euglena.
3)Simple binary fission:In Amoeba.

Binary fission in Amoeba
B)BUDDING:Due to unequal division small buds are produced, which initially are attached to parent but later they separateto form new individual E.g.Yeast.

Budding in Hydra

3)SPORULATION:Some members of kingdom Fungi and simple plants reproduce through asexual structures like Zoospores or Gemmules or Conidie.

4)FRAGMENTATION:Fragments are formed in some algae (spirogyra,fungi etc.).                             
Fragmentation in algae

4)VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION:In plants some parts are capable to giving a rise to new ones.Those structure are called as Vegetative Propagules and the process is known as the Vegetative Propagation.                                                                                                                                          

E.g.:Runner,Rhizome,Offset,Bulb,Sucker,Tuber etc.                                                                      

SEXUAL REPODUCTION:                                                                                                          

............Continued in part 2